Monday, July 27, 2009

Wonderful family dinners....

Now that Collin is no longer contagious...we finally get to get out and have someone else cook dinner for us.

Here is our handsome man in front of the fountain down at the Harbor.

Isn't he cute?

Daddy and his little twin.
Mommy and the little princess.

Can you say...NOT on my diet!!! But boy they were GREAT and I didn't regret one bite.

This is what Collin looks like when he is done eating and is DEFINITELY ready to leave. He only squealed at the top of his lungs a few times and the people around us did not mind one bit.

What precious kids sitting in front of waterfalls.

Collin is being "held" in place but he is done with all of the photo posing.

Kennedy does a great job...Daddy, Kennedy,and Collin--wish Sister was in the picture.

Here I am squeezed in between the kids waiting in line at Braums. Of course after my dinner we definitley didn't need any frozen yogurt. Good thing Collin ate about 3/4 of my junior cone.

Here we are the next night (Sunday)after meeting Gamma, Grandpa, and Chris at the Cotton Patch. We had lots of fun since we missed time on the boat due to the rain. Since I started my diet and exercise everyone in thet house has joined in...somewhat. With that said Collin needed a new helmet so he can now safely ride on the back of Daddy's bike. Does't he look handsome.

If you haven't talked to me lately ... you wouldn't know that about 15 minutes after Kennedy eats dinner she is no longer our child. She loses the ability to control her mouth and her emotions. This is what that looks like.

We have had very challenging evenings...hopefully in a few days this too will pass:-)

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