Things had been crazy at the house with our health. Everyone in the house is tired due to Collin waking up multiple times because his throat was hurting and the fact 3 out of 4 of us had the flu. Just one of those times when you just want a break. To add to our messy house and tired people....our pipes upstairs froze. We tried to defrost them, ran the heat, left the faucets partially open. The ONE hour we were down stairs watching a movie the pipes defrosted and did not bust. YAY!!!! Well, that was an answered prayer. Please don't let the pipes bust. I forgot to ask for our drains to not freeze too. Needless to say when the water started to flow it couldn't go anywhere because the drain froze. Water filled the sink then flooded the bathroom, ran into the media room, and then ran down through the rafters and poured into the garage. It looks awful and made my stomach sink but it could have been sooo much worse. The insurance adjuster came by and luckily we can do all of the work ourselves except for re-seaming the carpet. It was a tough week and it is finally over. Here is the proof.

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