Monday, July 19, 2010

Missing Something

April 4, 2010 there came a call from the perfectly purple bedroom down the hall. Screams of joy came bellowing out....I HAVE A LOOSE TOOTH. We have been waiting for this since fall. Many, many kids have lost their teeth during the school year and Kennedy's would just not come out. We have been telling her, once you turn six they will start coming out and sure enough the night before she turns six she gets her fist loose tooth.
1 MONTH and 16 days later... it was time.

The official tooth puller arrived.

It popped right out. Can you see the sheer joy and excitedment? She was beyond happy. She even managed to smile through the blood.

Mommy was hoping to have one last fully "teethed" picture....too late. She is still beautiful.

If sister can do it so can I!!!! Mister Collin had to have a tooth pulled since his sister did to. He is so handsome even though he is missing 3 or 4 teeth. The boy doesn't know when to say stop. ha, ha. Anytime we discuss teeth Collin has to have one pulled. I am surprised he has any left.

Fewer teeth and all, I love you both.

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